Saturday, March 1, 2008

dr. dre is in the biz!

André Romell Young, aka Dr. Dre is busting a move into the spirits industry. Regarded as one of the most powerful and popular rap music figures of all time and listed among the highest paid performers in 2001 and 2004 by Rolling Stone Magazine, Dr. Dre is partnering with Drinks Americas on a new line of beverages. Together they have plans to release alcoholic as well as non-alcoholic libations.
Their partnership is all set to unleash a premium tequila as well as a cognac and sparkling vodka. We are excited to see what they can come up with. Our appreciation for the creativity that Dr. Dre has brought to the entertainment industry in general leads us to believe that his tequila will be a huge hit among the masses.
Look out!

Monday, February 25, 2008

p.i.n.k. tequila

Today our quest brings us to a new tequila that is scheduled to hit the market in the next 6 to 12 months. The p.i.n.k. Spirits Company out of New York, NY already sells a premium Vodka and they have plans to sell Rum, Tequila, Gin, White Whiskey, and Sake. The unique feature of p.i.n.k.'s premium spirits is that they are all infused with flavorless caffeine and guarana, two of the worlds most potent energy enhancing substances.
According to a press release posted online by The Earth Times, p.i.n.k. tequila is the world’s first 80 proof, ultra-premium, imported tequila made from 100%, all estate grown, Blue Weber Agave that is infused with caffeine and guarana. p.i.n.k. tequila is produced and bottled in Guadalajara, Mexico by La Cofradia, apparently one of the most prestigious tequila manufacturers.
The p.i.n.k. Spirits Company was founded in 2006 and is the world’s first producer of ultra-premium caffeine and guarana infused spirits. With no added sugar, color, or carbohydrates, p.i.n.k. spirits can be enjoyed straight or used to create any cocktail.
We look foward to trying this Tequila as soon as it hits the market so we can decide for ourselves if it is really a good combination. Anyone who knows anything about Tequila knows that distilled agave has its own energetic properties. The addition of guarana and cafine will likely take the tequila experience to a different level. Keep your eye out for p.i.n.k. Tequila and when you find it we would recommend fastening your seatbelt. It may take you for a ride!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

funny joke

Another stop along our quest today brings us to a joke that we have seen pop up on the internet several times recently. We felt that it was worth sharing with all of you because #1. it is very funny, #2. it is tasteful, #3. it involves tequila. We get tired of seeing all of the negative press and stories that are run about tequila, so when we find a good quality joke, we need to share it.
Here it is..........
Tequila Makes You Fly

A guy is sitting at a bar in a skyscraper restaurant high above the city.

He's slamming tequila left and right. he grabs one, drinks it, goes over to a window and jumps out.

The guy who was sitting next to him couldn't believe that the guy had just done that. He was even more surprised when only ten minutes later, the same guy who jumped, comes walking back into the bar and sits back down next to him completely unscathed.

The astonished guy asks," How did you do that???? I just saw you jump out that window and we're hundreds of feet above the ground!!!"

The jumper responds by slurring, "Well, I don't get it either. I slam a shot of tequila and when I jump out the window, the tequila makes me slow down right before I hit the ground. Watch." He takes a shot, slams it down, goes to the window and jumps out.

The other guy runs to the window and watches as the guy falls until right before the ground, slows down and lands softly on his feet.

A few minutes later, the guy walks back into the bar.

The other guy has to try it too, so he orders a shot of tequila. he drinks it and goes to the window and jumps. As he reaches the bottom, he doesn't slow down at all….SPLAT!!!!!!

The first guy orders another shot of tequila and the bartender says to him,"

You're really an jerk when you drink, Superman.

Ha! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. We are not sure who actually wrote this joke, but we found it through "google alerts" on a blog called "Cheese Says".

cachaça - the next tequila???

Today our quest brings us to Brasil. There is an interesting story on the Business Week website about cachaça (pronounced "ka-sha-sa") being the next tequila of the world. It is Brasil's national drink. A liquor fermented and distilled directly from freshly pressed sugar cane. You might think that cachaça would be more likely to become the next rum of the world, but guess again. Due to the current success of tequila around the globe, the Brazilian's are aiming high and making an honest effort to skip right over rum and compete with tequila.
Cachaça as a finished product is sometimes known as "aguardente" (burning water) or "engasga gato"(cat choker)and varies from 76 proof to 96 proof. Caipirinha is the signature drink for cachaça. It is made of half a lime, quartered, and two teaspoons of granulated sugar muddled together, two ounces of cachaça, a splash of club soda, and ice. The cocktail is extremely refreshing and potent, although it doesn't have quite the kick of tequila.
There are thousands of brands of cachaça made in Brazil by small local distillers on up to regional giants such as Cachaça 51, the country's best-selling brand. In the U.S., however,Pitu, the product of a 75-year-old family business from the northeastern Brazilian state of Pernambuco, is the top seller.
We have had the pleasure of trying cachaça at a local South American style restaurant. If you are in the mood for rum, it is an amazing alternative made in a country of amazing people. However, we can not imagine that it could become the "next tequila". As all of us tequila lovers know, there is nothing in the world that can replace an amazing glass of Don Julio 1942 or any of the three Corzo varieties. It will be fun to watch the cachaça story though. When it comes to beaches, food, dance & music, and football among other things, Brazil is usually able to give the world community a run for its money.
Get a bottle of cachaça and put it to the test.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

happy valentine's day! try agavero tequila

There are two things that Mexico is most famous for. The world's finest tequila and a culture that is known for its love of passion. Today our quest brings us to an amazing bottle of tequila liqueur that we must share as a Valentine's Day treat for all of you. Agavero. This unique blend was created as long ago as the 17th century by Lazaro Gallardo, a well known figure in the history of tequila. He created a distillery in Jalisco called Los Camichines that to this day still produces this unique blend and is also well known for its Gran Centenario brand.
Agavero is a simple blend of either Repasado or Anejo tequila with the essence of Damiana flower. Damiana is a plant that has long been known and sought after for its aphrodesiac qualities. Apparently this liqueur has a neon-green hue and is quite thick and sweet. It is said to taste very good. We recomend that it be consumed during social occcasions and most importantly with intimate friends.
It may be hard to find in the US and abroad but can be ordered directly from Mexico. It is not very expensive, so get a bottle and keep it on the shelf for Valentine's Day or any other occasion when you may want to induce more passion.
We hope you love it!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

grilled tequila-lime shrimp

Our quest today takes us into the kitchen and outside to the grill. For those of us who live in places that get cold in the winter, thoughts about cooking outside over a grill bring warmth at a time when we need it most. We found a great recipe for Grilled Tequila-Lime Shrimp on
So, if you enjoy shrimp or if you live somewhere that is warm all year long, what are you waiting for? Get the ingredients and grill some shrimp. If you dont care for shrimp, this marinade could be used with anything on the grill.
Total time for this recipe is: 1 Hr. & 16 minutes
Serves 4 people
2 tablespoons lime juice
2 tablespoons tequila
1/4 cup olive oil
1 pinch garlic salt
1 pinch ground cumin
ground black pepper to taste
1 pound large shrimp, peeled and deveined
6 (10 inch) wooden skewers
1 large lime, quartered

1. Whisk together the lime juice, tequila, olive oil, garlic salt, cumin, and black pepper in a bowl until well blended. Pour into a large resealable plastic bag; add the shrimp, seal bag and turn to coat evenly. Refrigerate 1 to 4 hours before grilling.
2. Soak skewers at least 30 minutes in water to prevent burning.
3. Preheat outdoor grill for medium-high heat. Lightly oil grill grate, and place about 4 inches from heat source.
4. Drain and discard marinade from shrimp. Thread shrimp onto prepared skewers, 5 to 6 per skewer.
5. Cook, uncovered, on preheated grill until shrimp turn pink, turning once, for 5 to 7 minutes. Serve with lime wedges for garnish.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

liquor sales growth slowdown predicted

According to a recent article in the Los Angeles Times, the distilled spirits industry is predicting the U.S. revenue from liquor sales to increase 4.6% in 2008. This is a decrease from last year's growth rate. The current weakness in the economy may force people to tighten their budgets for going out. According to The Distilled Spirits Council of the U.S. revenue rose 5.6% to $18.2 billion in 2007. They expect spirits makers to post $19 billion in revenue in 2008. This is an expected increase of 1.9% in 2008, reaching 185 million cases. In comparison, volume sales advanced 2.4% in 2007.
The current economic slowdown will likely cause consumers to spend less time and money enjoying their favorite restaurants and bars. Such a decrease in consumer spending may slow things down for the industry, but predictions continue to forecast that the spirits industry may still outperform other sectors of the economy. Liquor is often considered a "luxury item" that people will enjoy in the comfort of their own homes, even if they are not going out as much.
The L.A Times article points out that in 2007 tequila was the smallest but fastest-growing segment of the liquor industry, which is dominated by Diageo, Pernod Ricard and Fortune Brands Inc. Apparently, Tequila sales, which made up 15% of the industry total, jumped 10.5% to $1.6 billion in 2007. Let's all hope that this growth will continue. If your bank account is suffering due to the current recession, that doesn't mean you can't continue to enjoy your favorite tequila in the comfort of your own home. Relax, stay at home, enjoy!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

jose cuervo launches new marketing campaign

Jose Cuervo has partnered with three-time World Cup participant Alberto Garcia Aspe to launch a groundbreaking campaign boasting Mexican pride. The campaign underscores the Cuervo Tradicional brand's long-standing commitment as an official sponsor of the Mexican National Soccer Team here in the United States, and will concentrate on soccer to deliver a social responsibility message to the multi-generational Mexican consumer.
With the slogan "Mexico, You Always Have It On," Jose Cuervo Tradicional positions its brand at the forefront of Mexican national identity and at the center of its passion for soccer. This landmark campaign is a completely new approach for the brand. The innate pride of the Mexican culture is the driving concept behind this innovative campaign.To communicate its message, Jose Cuervo Tradicional has engaged Alberto Garcia Aspe, one of the best players in the history of Mexican soccer, to act as the official spokesperson. Alberto is quoted saying "I am proud to join an effort that centers on the values of our culture". "Wearing the jersey means representing your culture with dignity and honor. As a soccer player and team captain I always tried to be a role model on and off the field. Now my goal is to motivate the fans and remind them that, to us, living life responsibly is not an option, it is a tradition."
The first phase of the launch is scheduled to begin this month and coincides with the USA-Mexico match taking place in Houston, Texas. Cuervo Tradicional will present its new television spots which will be broadcast by Fox Sports en Espanol, Galavision, Azteca America, ESPN Deportes and the Discovery Network. Recently, these same Jose Cuervo Tradicional social responsibility spots were the first spirits advertising permitted by the Spanish language cable channel Galavision and national cable giant ESPN, breaking new ground for the spirits industry.

*Photo of Alberto Garcia Aspe credited to George Herringshaw

tequila espresso

Our quest has brought us to another amazing cocktail that you must try the next time you would like to be more adventurous with tequila. We came across this trendy idea on the website. Created by two old friends, Piers Fawkes and Simon King, psfk is a leader in trend setting and idea generation that has clients such as Coca-Cola, MTV, BMW and Proctor & Gamble.
The drink is simply a mixture of your favorite tequila, a fresh shot of espresso, and ice. It is being referred to as "the new red bull and vodka". claims that it is becomming trendy in L.A. these days and can be traced back to a bartender at the Chateau Marmont on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood, CA.
The next time you want to enjoy yoru favorite tequila along with a healthy jolt of energy, have a tequila espresso. Just be careful to only have one or two if you don't want to be up all night.

Monday, January 21, 2008

la certeza & lunazul tequila brands part of joint venture

Tierra de Agaves, the Mexican spirits company founded by Francisco Beckmann and sons, former co-owner of Jose Cuervo is now involved in joint ownership of the Lunazul and La Certeza Tequila brands with Heaven Hills, a US family owned distillery. This venture combines Heaven Hill's global distribution network and marketing expertise with Tierra de Agaves' multi-generational focus on growing premium agave plants and producing the best 100% estate-grown Tequilas.
Heaven Hill is adding Lunazul and La Certeza to their leading spirits brands such as Christian Brothers Brandy, Evan Williams Bourbon, Hpnotiq and Pama Pomegranate Liqueur. Lunazul will be offered in both Blanco and Reposado varieties. La Certeza is an award-winning 100% Blue Weber Agave Tequila available in Blanco, Reposado and Anejo varieties.
Both Lunazul and La Certeza are estate-grown on the 3,500 acres of Blue Weber Agave that the Beckmann family and their past generations have controlled since 1758. They are then produced at state-of-the-art distillery completed in 2002 in Tequila, Mexico.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

cabo wabo sold for $80 million!

Wow! 2007 was a very good year for Sammy Hagar and Cabo Wabo Tequila. The once lead singer for the rock group Van Halen was noted as having one of the top 20 paydays in 2007 by Forbes Magazine. Hagar was paid $80 million for 80% of the company by Gruppo Campari, the makers of Camparri and Skyy Vodka. 20% of Cabo Wabo is still owned by Hagar. Gruppo Campari has the option to buy the remaining 20% within the next 5 to 8 years. It looks like Sammy may see yet another pay day at some point in the near future.
In 1996 when Hagar left Van Halen he almost immediately invested in the creation of Cabo Wabo brand. He apparently came up with the name after watching a man "wobbling" down the beach in Cabo San Lucas.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

4 copas: supporting sea turtles

The world's first organic tequila makers are in the news again. This time it is, in our opinion, for a better reason than being the the first certified organic tequila. 4 Copas has released a limited edition sea turtle bottle in honor of the 2008 annual symposium on sea turtle biology and conservation that will take place in Loretto, Baja California, Mexico from January 19th-26th. Proceeds will go to, a non-profit organization that provides a centralized resource for sea turtlers around the world. Much of’s work involves satellite tracking, a key method for scientists and the public to learn about sea turtles’ movements and behavior.
We have not been able to find any images of this limited edition bottle anywhere on the web. If anyone out there has seen it, please let us know what you think. At Tequila Savvy we believe very strongly in the preservation of the planet. Whether it is through animal protection; creatig a sustainable future for Agave farmers in Mexico; or any other good cause; we will always continue to support and highlight the work beign done by comapnies like 4 Copas.
If you have ever been witness to the nesting and behaviors of the great sea turtles, you will understand immediately why we are so interested in this special story. Next time you are anywhere where there are sea turtles living, put on your snorkle or scuba gear and spend some time watching them. They are creatures worth protecting!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

distiller of the year:2007

According to a November issue of Wine Enthusiast Magazine, Casa Herradura is the 2007 distiller of the year. It is one of the oldest and most respected Tequila distilleries in all of Mexico. Herradura was founded by Ambrosio Rosales and Aurelio Lopez 138 years ago in Jalisco, the heart of Mexico’s Tequila region.
As featured in Wine Enthusiast, Tequila Herradura is 100-percent blue agave Tequila, carefully crafted using traditional methods, such as using clay ovens and fermenting the cooked agave hearts naturally with wild yeast. Tequila Herradura is all natural, estate grown and estate bottled. The distillery introduced the first Reposado Tequila in 1974, and later launched the first Extra Añejo, Seleccion Suprema.
In 1994, Casa Herradura released El Jimador Tequila to honor the men who harvest agave plants. Today, El Jimador is the No. 1 Tequila in Mexico.
Purchased in January 2007 by Brown-Forman of Louisville, Kentucky, a company that has the highest respect for quality and tradition, expect Casa Herradura to prosper despite the change in ownership

2008:agave surplus high

Our quest today brings us to a very enlightening story about the current glut in surplus of Blue Weber Agave in Mexico. Just like the photo we chose says, "Mucho Tequila" is what is in store for this new year. Just seven to eight years ago at the turn of the new millenium there were armed guards protecting blue agave crops. There was such a shortage at that time that farmers and distilleries had to be very weary of potential theives. According to an article we found at some 1.5 million metric tons of ripe agave came onto the market in 2007 and the tequila industry will use only half of it. A similar surplus is expected in 2008. Tequila makers aren't complaining, of course, but the thousands of farmers who grow agave are seeing red.
Millions of dollars in federal money to bail out farmers hasn't been distributed. Some farmers reportedly burned their agave in desperation and planted corn used for ethanol production instead. Farmer protests could be a fixture of tequila-country visitor tours through 2009.
Industry observers saw the glut coming as long as a decade ago. On a very basic level, the shortage up to 8 years ago caused too many people to begin farming Blue Agave. People who were not even farmers were buying land and planting agave. It seems that things are way out of balance right now. Considering agave grows in 7 year cycles, the year 2014 is already at risk for shortages and increased prices. Experts say that we, as consumers, will not see a drop in tequila prices due to the high cost of transportation these days.
We are keeping our fingers crossed for the agave farmers right now. If they do not get sufficient aide from their government, they could face very hard times for some time to come. Just think..... drinking your favorite tequila more regularly could help feed hungry farming families in Mexico. Go ahead, have a glass for the sake of good people.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008 adds spirits of mexico map

We are huge fans of! They seem to be bringing in the new year with a new web savvy feature. You can now visit their site and use a mapping feature that is powered by Google to locate your favorite Tequila, Mezcal, and Sotol distillery or to find a new one that you never even knew existed. Many distilleries shown link to their own photo gallery, showing pictures of their production process, exact address, and current brands produced.
According to our friends at additional maps will be added soon showing locations for both liquor stores and recommended restaurants / bars worldwide that are "Agave Friendly". These tools are provided to members and browsers that are interested in the Spirits of Mexico, making it simple to find locations worldwide where they can enjoy Agave products when traveling. They have even set it up so we can all contribute to their map's data base.
What are you waiting for?
Visit their site today and explore!

Monday, January 7, 2008

dos lunas grand reserve - $2500 per bottle!!!

Richard C. Poe II, owner of El Paso, Texas based Dos Lunas Tequila has come up with what is being called the most expensive and oldest tequila ever bottled.

We are confused by this information. We recently posted a story about AsomBroso Tequila and how they age their anejo for 11 years. We have also recently read of a bottle of aged tequila that was auctioned off for $225,000. That is a quarter of a million dollars!
Dos Lunas Grand Reserve has been released in limited quantity. There are only 1000 bottles being sold. It is an anejo that has been aged for 10 years in french oak casks that were originally used for aging Spanish Sherry.
In our opinion, the best part of this release is the Baccarat decanter that it is bottled in. It truly looks like a very chic bottle of cologne or cognac. We have read everything from rave reviews to harsh criticism about this limited and very expensive bottle. At this point it would not be fair to pass judgement on the contents of the crystal decanter until we get a chance to taste it for ourselves. If any of you out there have had a taste or know someone who has had a taste, please let us know. If you are one of those lucky 1000, have a glass for the rest of us who may never get the chance.
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