Monday, February 25, 2008

p.i.n.k. tequila

Today our quest brings us to a new tequila that is scheduled to hit the market in the next 6 to 12 months. The p.i.n.k. Spirits Company out of New York, NY already sells a premium Vodka and they have plans to sell Rum, Tequila, Gin, White Whiskey, and Sake. The unique feature of p.i.n.k.'s premium spirits is that they are all infused with flavorless caffeine and guarana, two of the worlds most potent energy enhancing substances.
According to a press release posted online by The Earth Times, p.i.n.k. tequila is the world’s first 80 proof, ultra-premium, imported tequila made from 100%, all estate grown, Blue Weber Agave that is infused with caffeine and guarana. p.i.n.k. tequila is produced and bottled in Guadalajara, Mexico by La Cofradia, apparently one of the most prestigious tequila manufacturers.
The p.i.n.k. Spirits Company was founded in 2006 and is the world’s first producer of ultra-premium caffeine and guarana infused spirits. With no added sugar, color, or carbohydrates, p.i.n.k. spirits can be enjoyed straight or used to create any cocktail.
We look foward to trying this Tequila as soon as it hits the market so we can decide for ourselves if it is really a good combination. Anyone who knows anything about Tequila knows that distilled agave has its own energetic properties. The addition of guarana and cafine will likely take the tequila experience to a different level. Keep your eye out for p.i.n.k. Tequila and when you find it we would recommend fastening your seatbelt. It may take you for a ride!

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