Monday, December 17, 2007

pulque: the original drink of mexico?

Today our quest brings us to an interesting story about pulque, one of tequila's cousins. We have been searching all over the internet in an attempt to discover the truth about this Mesoamerican beverage. According to Wikipedia, pulque goes back as far as 200 AD and was consumed at religious ceremonies prior to the Spanish conquest of Mexico. On a very basic level, Pulque is made by fermenting the aguamiel or juice of the agave until it becomes a beer-like beverage. Until recently Pulque was only found in Mexico and parts of Central America. After 2,000 years,companies like Pulque La Lucha brand by Boulder Imports and the Nectar del Razo brand finally figured out a way to can and bottle pulque so that it can be exported to the United States. Previously it was not possible to ship pulque long distances because it kept fermenting, and ultimately became undrinkable. Thanks to the younger generations in places like Mexico City and these improvements in packaging technology, pulque is experiencing a new found popularity. In the end, the truth is that pulque & tequila are very different, but we can not argue that pulque is older and now has its rightful place in our modern world.

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